Cristina Civale

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Cristina Civale (* 1960 in Buenos Aires ) is an Argentine journalist and writer.

Civale studied at the Universidad de Buenos Aires and was able to successfully complete this degree in 1985; This training was supplemented by additional studies with a focus on cinema in Havana and her hometown. During her studies, Civale began working for various newspapers and magazines such as "Noticias", "El Periodista", "Satiricón", "El Periscopio" and the like. a. to write.

Later Civale came to the television channel Canal 13 , where she was responsible for various scripts, including series such as "De poeta y de loco" and "Laura y Zoe". She has also made a name for herself as a writer in recent years.

Works (selection)

  • Chica fácil . Espasa Calpe, Buenos Aires 1995.
  • Hijos de mala madre . Editorial Sudamericana, Buenos Aires 1993.
  • Perra virtual Editorial Planeta, Buenos Aires 1998.


  • Gwendolyn Díaz: Women and Power in Argentine Literature. Stories, Interviews and Critical Essays. University of Texas Press, Austin TX 2007, ISBN 978-0-292-71649-0 ( Texas Pan-American Literature in Translation Series ).
  • Eleonora Pascale: Cuerpos ausentes, cuerpos heridos. Las mujeres en la narrativa de Cristina Civale. In: Eva Valcárce (Ed.): La literatura hispanoamericana con los cico sentidos. Universidad et al., Coruña 2002, ISBN 84-9749-136-X , pp. 507-515 ( Cursos, Congresos e Simposios 78).

Web links