Crypto Operating System

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The Crypto Operating System ( COS , not to be confused with the Cray Operating System ) was supposedly an alternative operating system for Apple Macintosh computers. In 1997, COS was to come onto the market, secured according to B2 classification , with an integrated PGP client. The company operating at the time, called Omega, only produced what is probably the largest fake in the history of the Macintosh.

Alleged features

  • B2 classification, with integrated PGP client
  • Preemptive multitasking , memory protection
  • Clustering features
  • Multiprocessor capability
  • Mac OS compatibility
  • Every user has their own workplace
  • 85% of the software for systems 7 and 8 can run
  • Full QuickTime support (in-house development)
  • Full support of all Adobe products
  • Full integration in UNIX
  • A Mac ROM is not required (but this function should not be directly available)
  • Requires 500–4000 kB of RAM
  • Disk requires 12–15 MB of hard disk space
  • Supports 68030, 68040 and PowerMac , micro-kernel architecture


The story was researched after more than ten years by and gradually processed. Today many facts that were believed to be lost have been brought to light.

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