Cuchilla de Haedo

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Cuchilla de Haedo
Cuchilla de Haedo in the north

Cuchilla de Haedo in the north

Cerro Batoví in the Cuchilla de Haedo

Cerro Batoví in the Cuchilla de Haedo

location Uruguay
Coordinates 31 ° 41 ′  S , 56 ° 16 ′  W Coordinates: 31 ° 41 ′  S , 56 ° 16 ′  W

The Cuchilla de Haedo is a range of hills in Uruguay .

The Cuchilla de Haedo is located in the north of the country. This undulating plateau comprises several ranges of hills with gentle slopes that rarely reach heights above 400 m. The main relief runs from northeast to southwest and separates the water catchment basins of the Río Negro and the Río Uruguay . The Río Arapey and the Río Daymán have their source in the Cuchilla de Haedo .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Enciclopedia Geografica del Uruguay