DFG Priority Program SPP 1772 on human multitasking

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SPP 1772
founding Summer 2015
Estimated end Summer 2021
coordination Andrea Kiesel (Freiburg), Iring Koch (Aachen), Herrmann Müller (Gießen), Edita Poljac (Freiburg), Markus Janczyk (Tübingen), Hanna Lindemann (Saarbrücken)
Website https://www.spp1772.uni-freiburg.de

The priority project 1772 on human multitasking started in summer 2015 and is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) . The aim is to bring together the previously independent research fields in the field of multitasking, in particular the disciplines of cognitive psychology and movement science, in order to create an integrative theoretical framework for explaining this fundamental aspect of human behavior. The project currently comprises 22 individual research projects at a total of 19 German universities.

Project description

Theoretical background

In modern life, people are often faced with situations that require multitasking. Such situations are usually associated with reduced performance, errors and an increased risk of accidents. So far, cognitive psychology and movement sciences have examined requirements and performance in multitasking independently of one another. This priority program brings previously independent research fields together in order to develop an integrative theoretical explanatory framework. Traditional cognitive psychological theories regard motor aspects of the action as “late” information processing processes that are conceptualized independently of “central” cognitive processing processes. However, this approach is oversimplified as motor processes are important for many types of skills and often influence the difficulty of the task. Despite the strong overlap of cognitive and motor control, the topic of "multitasking" was viewed fundamentally differently from the perspective of cognitive psychology and movement science. While cognitive psychology focused on structural and functional limitations of cognitive processes in multitasking, movement science emphasized the plasticity of processing and training options.

project goal

The interdisciplinary combination of cognitive psychology and movement sciences enables an integrative explanatory framework that brings together aspects of the structural, flexible and plastic consideration of multitasking. The priority program comprises three research areas: Firstly, a new integrative framework model is sought that links the structural perspective of unavoidable processing bottlenecks with the more flexible cognitive control perspective. Second, the metaphor of flexible processing resources is revived and integrated into concepts of structural, modality-specific bottlenecks and into concepts of more flexible cognitive control of task requirements, as well as their modulation through emotional and motivational states. Third, the plasticity of cognition and motor behavior in relation to the optimization of actions in multitasking through training is examined. Furthermore, it is expected that knowledge about cognitive plasticity will be obtained that can be used to optimize actions in complex environments that typically require multitasking. This priority program aims to develop new research perspectives for human multitasking by integrating knowledge from different perspectives and disciplines about fundamental aspects of human behavior.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Altmann, EM & Trafton, JG (2007). Timecourse of recovery from task interruption: Data and a mod-el. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 14, 1079-1084.
  2. Kiesel, A., Steinhauser, M., Wendt, M., Falkenstein, M., Jost, K., Philipp, AM, & Koch, I. (2010). Control and interference in task switching — A review. Psychological Bulletin, 136, 849-874.
  3. Monsell, S. (2003). Task switching. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 7, 134-140.
  4. ^ Koch, I., & Jolicoeur, P. (2007). Orthogonal cross-task compatibility: Abstract spatial coding in dual tasks. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 14, 45-50.
  5. ^ Koch, I., & Prinz, W. (2002). Process interference and code overlap in dual-task performance. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 28, 192-201.
  6. van der Linden, D., Keijsers, GPJ, Eling, P., & van Schaijk, R. (2005). Work stress and attentional difficulties: an initial study on burnout and cognitive failures. Work & Stress, 19, 23-36.
  7. Beurskens, R., & Bock, O. (2012). Age-related deficits of dual-task walking: A review. Neural Plasticity, 131608. doi : 10.1155 / 2012/131608 .
  8. Strayer, DL, & Drews, FA (2007) Cell-phone-induced driver distraction. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 16, 128-131.
  9. Strayer, DL, & Johnston, WA (2001). Driven to distraction: Dual-task studies of simulated driving and conversing on a cellular phone. Psychological Science, 12, 462-466.
  10. ^ Johnson, DA, & Proctor, RW (2004). Attention: Theory and Practice. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.
  11. Bratzke, D., Rolke, B., & Ulrich, R. (2009). The source of execution-related dual-task interference: Motor bottleneck or response monitoring? Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 35, 1413.
  12. Meyer, DE, & Kieras, DE (1997). A computational theory of executive cognitive processes and multiple task performance: Part 2. Accounts of psychological refractory-period phenomena. Psychological Review, 104, 749-791.
  13. Pashler, HE (1998). The psychology of attention. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
  14. Navon, D., & Miller, J. (2002). Queuing or sharing? A critical evaluation of the single-bottleneck notion. Cognitive Psychology, 44, 193-251.
  15. Tombu, M., & Jolicoeur, P. (2003). A central capacity sharing model of dual-task performance. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception & Performance, 29, 3-18.
  16. ^ Liepelt, R., Strobach, T., Frensch, PA, & Schubert, T. (2011). Improved inter-task coordination skills after extensive dual-task practice. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 64, 1251-1272.
  17. Müller, H., Frank, TD, & Sternad, D. (2007). Variability, covariation, and invariance with respect to co-ordinate systems in motor control: Reply to Smeets and Louw (2007). Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 33, 250-255.
  18. Pendt, LK, Reuter, I., & Müller, H. (2011). Motor skill learning, retention, and control deficits in Parkinson's disease. PLoS ONE, 6 (7): e21669. doi : 10.1371 / journal.pone.0021669 .
  19. ^ Schubert, T. (2008). The central attentional limitation and executive control. Frontiers of Bioscience, 13, 3569-3580.
  20. Schumacher, EH, Seymour, TL, Glass, JM, Fencsik, DE, Lauber, EJ, Kieras, DE, & Meyer, DE (2001). Virtually perfect time sharing in dual-task performance: uncorking the central cognitive bottleneck. Psychological Science, 12, 101-108.2001.
  21. ^ Strobach, T., Liepelt, R., Schubert, T., & Kiesel, A. (2012). Task switching: Effects of practice on switch and mixing costs. Psychological Research, 76, 74-83.