DGK 5 Bo

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The DGK5 Bo , a variant of the German basic map , is the soil map based on the soil assessment as a result of the Soil Assessment Act of 1934. The results of the Reich soil assessment were interpreted from a pedological point of view and presented as a map. Since the aim of the soil appraisal was to determine the quality of the soil as a basis for taxation, the boundaries of this soil map are predominantly based on field and property boundaries.

Demarcation criteria relevant to soil science such as soil type , soil type , water conditions ( groundwater , backwater ) are less or not considered at all. The land value figure , also depending on the prevailing climate and the terrain, is the basis for the number of arable land (also called soil points), which is given as a measure of the yield of soils.

The soil map contains on the basis of the German basic map 1: 5,000 the results of the soil appraisal according to the soil appraisal law of October 16, 1934 as well as information about the soil quality up to a depth of two meters based on soil profiles. The evaluation key and soil type are explained in the explanation of symbols. From a geological and pedological point of view, the soil map gives an overview of the structure, structure and value relationships of the soils. This card is required, among other things, for real estate transactions, economic advice, land consolidation and soil improvement.

Individual evidence

  1. https://beck-online.beck.de/Dokument?vpath=bibdata%2Fges%2Fbodschaetzg1934%2Fcont%2Fbodschaetzg1934.inh.htm&anchor=Y-100-G-BODSCHAETZG1934