DIHK service company

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The DIHK service companies serve the chambers of commerce abroad for business that they as associations are in part not allowed to enter into, also depending on the law applicable in the host country. They are for-profit companies that do not receive any financial support from the chambers. Your services are provided both for German companies abroad and for companies in the host country. There are around 16 of these DIHK service companies worldwide.

The DIHK service companies, which were founded for the individual chambers of commerce abroad , have been using the uniform, registered name DEinternational since 2006 .

DEinternational is used as the service brand of German Industry & Commerce Co. Ltd. (GIC) , while the latter remains in the background as a legal entity. In China, the DEinternational teams in Beijing, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Hong Kong and Taipei specialize in supporting German companies in setting up and expanding their business activities in China.

German Industry & Commerce Greater China (GIC) , the service company of the Chambers of Commerce Abroad in China with a total of over 250 employees in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hong Kong and Taipei, advises German companies that want to gain a foothold in China.

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