There you have my life - Marieluise, child of Golzow

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The film There you have my life. Marieluise - Child von Golzow is part of a long-term documentary called " The Children of Golzow ", which was started in 1961 by director Winfried Junge and only ended in 2007. He accompanied several children of a primary school class from Golzow im Oderbruch over this period and presented his results in several films. The film was released in 1997 with a total length of 235 minutes.


Part 1: Marieluise from 1961 to 1979

Marieluise Seidel born Hübner was born in Golzow in September 1954. In the first part of the film “There you have my life. Marieluise - Child von Golzow “, Marieluise's school days in the Golzow school are shown. She then completed an apprenticeship as a chemical laboratory assistant at the semiconductor plant in Frankfurt (Oder) . However, the apprenticeship shows that she is dissatisfied with her job. The film also shows that she first wants to build an existence and is not yet thinking about starting her own family. Finally, the first part shows her wedding with Hans-Steffen Seidel on August 25, 1978, an officer in the NVA.

Part 2: 1980-89

The second part begins in the Seidel family's shared apartment in East Berlin. Marieluise and Steffen have now had a daughter, Marja-Stephanie (March 16, 1980). Until her daughter was born, she worked in an army chemical research institute and, like her husband, who worked in the GDR government squadron, was obliged to maintain secrecy. Their second daughter Katja was born on May 14, 1983. Furthermore, this part of the film shows her father, a professed Christian, who explains the problems of the GDR from his point of view. For example, he criticizes the workers' lack of responsibility and laziness. He also criticizes the insufficient use of the available resources.

Part 3: 1989-95

In the third part of the film, the turning point and its impact on the family are dealt with more intensely. Steffen is disappointed that the government's slogans were really just propaganda and not true. Steffen is accepted into a command officer school, which is ultimately also taken over by the Bundeswehr. After the reunification, Marieluise completed retraining to become a dental assistant and worked in this position. It is also shown how the Seidels go on vacation to Denmark immediately after the fall of the Wall. At the end of the film, the relocation of the family from East Berlin to Troisdorf near Cologne to a single-family home is shown.

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