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Dabajuro is a Venezuelan village 126 km west of Coro and the administrative seat of the Dabajuro district ( Falcón state ).

Dabajuro already existed as a settlement of the Caquetío Indians before the Spaniards immigrated. During the colonial period the settlement became an encomienda and so it had the category of a pueblo de indios , an Indian village. On June 7, 1823, the Battle of Dabajuro took place here between Spanish troops led by Francisco Morales and Republican troops led by Carlos Soublette . The place has about 28,342 inhabitants.

Dabajuro is connected to Coro and Maracaibo by the national road no . From Dabajuro you can drive through a side road via Capatárida to Miramar.


  • June 13: Day of Saint Antonio de Padua
  • September 24th: Agro-Industry, Art and Tourism Fair

See also

Coordinates: 11 ° 1 ′  N , 70 ° 41 ′  W