Thank you Germany

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Thank you Germany is a song that was broadcast by Croatian media in 1992 and thanked Germany for its role in the international recognition of Croatia as an independent state.

After the Croatian parliament voted for independence on June 25, 1991, Germany, under Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher , pushed for rapid recognition of the Croatian state. At a meeting in mid-December 1991, the foreign ministers of the European Community agreed to recognize Slovenia and Croatia by mid-January 1992.

The song with simple hit melody, composed by Đorđe Novković and performed by Sanja Trumbić in front of a colorful backdrop, was broadcast on January 14, 1992 in the evening program of HRT . The German text is by Teo Trumbić and begins with the lines “Thank you, Germany, my soul is on fire! / Thank you Germany for the lovely present. "

The song was not popular in Croatia and was only broadcast twice. Among some Croatian intellectuals and in parts of the public, the song was considered sweet kitsch. The song was often broadcast on Serbian radio and television for purposes of counter-propaganda in order to highlight Germany's position on Croatia as an alleged revival of the Nazi Ustasha alliance. The song was shown on Serbian television to accompany a film of the reception of German troops in Zagreb during the Second World War .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Polimac: Lake note s prve linije fronte
  2. ^ Dean Vuletic: The Silent Republic