Colon cancer campaign

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The colon cancer campaign was a campaign from 2006 to 2009 with the aim of health education about colon cancer under the aegis of the German Cancer Society . The aim was to address sick people directly and to provide information to the entire population at a low level in order to impart knowledge about prevention and early detection of the disease.

Health policy necessity of the campaign

In Germany, colon cancer is the cancer with the second highest incidence and mortality rate for both women and men. Every year more than 73,000 people develop a malignant tumor, and almost 28,000 people die of it; it can already be recognized and treated in its preliminary stages.

The core of colorectal cancer screening, colonoscopy , has not been accepted to a desirable extent. The reasons for this are assumed to be convenience, misinterpreted facts or incorrect assumptions:

  • The area of ​​the rectum and rectum is an uncomfortable subject.
  • There is fear of inconvenience or pain during the implementation. Such fears are not entirely unfounded, but they are almost always exaggerated: Due to the invasive nature of colonoscopy, injuries are very rare.
  • Generally, people hold back as long as there is no immediate threat.

The colon cancer campaigns in 2006 and 2007 attracted 3,800 visitors in 13 German cities.

Mismatch between information and motivation

The results of a study by the Lebensblicke eV foundation show that information offers are successful: in 2008, over 85% of citizens knew that there were early detection examinations to detect colon cancer. 61% were in favor of having a corresponding examination after a certain age. However, only 42% of those over 50 have actually undergone such examinations, including people who had undergone a colonoscopy for reasons other than prevention.

Conceptual structure of the events

An essential goal of the events is to impart knowledge through lectures oncological experts with whom the participants can also enter into a dialogue. It should be achieved that the motivation to go for an examination increases through positive information. A walk-in intestinal model is used to illustrate the development of the disease. Show cooking also took place to show the participants the nutritional problems.

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Cancer in Germany 2003-2004. Frequencies and trends. 6th revised edition. Robert Koch Institute (ed.) And the Society of Epidemiological Cancer Registers in Germany V. (ed.). Berlin, 2008. p. 13
  2. cf. [1]  ( Page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /  