German Cancer Society

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German Cancer Society
purpose Medical Society for Oncology
Chair: Thomas Seufferlein
Establishment date: 1900
Number of members: 16 regional cancer societies, 7,913 individual members, 36 supporting members (January 2020)
Seat : Berlin

The German Cancer Society e. V. is the first and largest oncological specialist society in Germany. Its aim is to prevent cancer , improve treatment and improve the quality of life for people with cancer. The DKG was founded in 1900 as the Committee for Cancer Collection Research , renamed several times and dissolved in 1933. In 1951 it was re-established as the German Central Committee for Combating Cancer and Cancer Research . In 1970 the DKG received its current name.

The 16 state cancer societies form section A of the DKG, while currently (Jan 2020) section B comprises 7,913 individual members, in addition to doctors, basic researchers, medical-technical assistants, nurses, psychologists and other professional groups. In addition to basic membership, the individual members of Section B are organized in the Department of Experimental Cancer Research (AEK) and the Department of Clinical Cancer Research (AKK) , the latter with a total of 25 working groups and 8 interdisciplinary working groups. The 36 supporting members of Section C are companies in the research-based pharmaceutical industry, scientific book publishers and health insurance companies. The office is in Berlin . The current president (2020 to 2022) is the Ulm internist and gastroenterologist Prof. Dr. Thomas Seufferlein.

In 2008 the DKG - together with the Working Group of German Tumor Centers and the German Cancer Aid Foundation - participated in the initiative of the Federal Ministry of Health for the National Cancer Plan . The DKG is a strategy and implementation partner in the National Decade against Cancer , which was proclaimed by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research in February 2019.

The main focus of work is the development of treatment guidelines and the certification of oncological centers, knowledge development and knowledge transfer as well as the improvement of patient information. Every two years the DKG organizes the German Cancer Congress , a congress for experimental cancer research (International AEK Cancer Congress) and the Quality of Cancer Care (QoCC) congress. It awards a number of scientific prizes, especially the German Cancer Prize , which is endowed with a total of 22,500 euros for three categories.


The DKG is a certification provider for cancer medical institutions. Centers are certified - on a voluntary basis - i.e. networks of inpatient and outpatient facilities in which all specialist fields relevant to the treatment of cancer patients work together, e.g. B. in tumor conferences. Certified organ cancer centers specialize in one organ, for example breast cancer or colon cancer. Certified oncology centers treat several types of tumors under one roof. They can also prove their expertise in the treatment of head and neck tumors, stomach, pancreas, esophagus, liver, kidney and bladder cancer, neuro-oncological tumors and as a pediatric oncological center or sarcoma center and be certified for these modules. Certified visceral oncological centers specialize in various cancers of the abdomen, uro-oncological centers in various cancers of the urinary organs and the male genital organs. All certified centers are listed online.

The DKG certification system is also used in Austria, Switzerland, Italy and Russia. From summer 2016, certified centers outside Germany will be recognizable by the European Cancer Centers logo.

The quality indicators for certification are drawn up by certification commissions. They consist of members of the German Cancer Society, representatives of other specialist societies and professional associations, representatives of self-help groups and others. Certification and re-audits are carried out by an independent institute.


In the oncology guideline program, the DKG has been offering oncological expertise as well as methodical, coordinative and financial support to guideline development groups since 2008 in cooperation with the German Cancer Aid Foundation and the Working Group of Scientific Medical Societies in Germany (AWMF) . Cancer Aid supports the program with 1.3 million euros annually. In addition to the evidence-based guidelines for doctors and medical staff, the oncology guideline program has also been creating guidelines for patients since 2009. So far, the guideline program oncology has published 26 evidence-based S3 treatment guidelines and 26 patient guidelines. Public consultations are held when a new guideline is created or updated. All guidelines can be downloaded free of charge from the Oncology Guideline Program website or used in a free app.

International activities

The German Cancer Society represents the Federal Republic of Germany in international organizations such as the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) , the Global Lung Cancer Coalition (GLCC) , the Guidelines International Network (GIN) , the Association of European Cancer Leagues (ECL) and the European Union . Together with the Federal Ministry of Health, the DKG leads the work package Governance of Integrated and Comprehensive Cancer Care in the current EU project Innovative Partnership for Action Against Cancer Joint Action (iPAAC) .

Members' magazine and other organs

The members' magazine Forum appears six times a year and, in addition to association information, also contains scientific articles. Other journals published by the DKG are the Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology (founded in 1903 under the title Zeitschrift für Krebsforschung ) and Der Onkologe . Since 2017 the German Cancer Society has published the information package "360 ° Oncology" three times a year . Each issue has a main topic and consists of a print magazine, an infographic under the CC license by-nc-nd and a video interview.

Internet portal

In addition to information on the specialist society, the Internet portal offers a large area with current congress reports in text and video for doctors as well as scientifically based information for patients and interested parties with the Afgis and HONcode seals of approval, prepared for laypersons . The German Cancer Society is a signatory of the Transparent Civil Society Initiative .

German Cancer Congress

The German Cancer Congress is the largest oncological specialist congress in the German-speaking area. It has been held every two years since 1951. The organizer until 2012 was the German Cancer Society. The German Cancer Society and the German Cancer Aid Foundation have been equal organizers since 2014 . The German Cancer Congress is not financed by the pharmaceutical industry, medical device manufacturers, medical device manufacturers or similar industries. Traditionally, the four-day specialist congress also includes a cancer campaign day - an information day for those affected, relatives and interested parties.

The 33rd German Cancer Congress took place in Berlin from February 21 to 24, 2018 and, according to the organizers, was very successful with 11,900 participants. The 34th Congress in February 2020 was in great demand with more than 11,000 participants. The 35th German Cancer Congress is being prepared for the period from February 23 to 26, 2022 in Berlin. Congress president is Prof. Dr. Michael Ghadimi , Director at the Clinic for General, Visceral and Pediatric Surgery at the University Medical Center Göttingen .

Focus on oncology

The public health policy discussion series Brennpunkt Oncologie has been organized by the German Cancer Society since 2010. Experts come together three to four times a year who represent different interests in the health care system, but whose hearts beat for the same goal: for universally viable progress in health policy.

Alliance with the German Cancer Aid

In 2012, the DKG and the German Cancer Aid Foundation entered into a cooperation based on a basic agreement. It applies in the field of cancer information, in the implementation of information events and congresses, in health and science policy activities as well as in other fundamental projects. Cancer Aid provides 3.7 million euros annually for this project cooperation with the German Cancer Society.

In April 2013, Krebshilfe and DKG reached an agreement to publish The Blue Guide with cancer information as a cooperation project of both organizations and to give it away free of charge.

Since February 2014, both organizations have been equal organizers of the German Cancer Congress .

In October 2014, the DKG and Deutsche Krebshilfe jointly expanded their service for patients and set up the cancer advisory service nationwide.

60 experts from the German Cancer Society and the German Cancer Aid contributed to the guidebook “Das Handbuch gegen Krebs”, published in 2015. By waiving the author's fee, two euros for each copy of the book sold are donated to Cancer Aid.

Web links

Individual evidence

  2. ^ History of the German Cancer Society. Retrieved August 2, 2018 .
  3. Professor Dr. Thomas Seufferlein is the new President of the German Cancer Society - German Cancer Society. Retrieved June 22, 2020 .
  4. The National Cancer Plan introduces itself. Retrieved August 2, 2018
  5. Annual Report of the German Cancer Aid Foundation 2017, page 17 Accessed on August 2, 2018
  6. Press release of February 26, 2018 Retrieved on August 2, 2018
  7. German Cancer Congress 2020 Accessed on July 30, 2019
  8. , congress website, accessed on March 10, 2020
  9. ^ Basic agreement between the German Cancer Society and German Cancer Aid
  10. Annual Report of the German Cancer Aid Foundation 2017, page 61. Accessed on August 2, 2018
  11. Start "Infonetz Krebs" Joint press conference on October 27, 2014