The Lämplein

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The Lämplein
The Lämplein
description Humoristic-satirical weekly newspaper in Leipzig, newspaper for the general public
publishing company Leipzig: Cooperative Book Printing Company (Germany)
First edition 1878
attitude 1880
Frequency of publication irregular
Editor-in-chief Wilhelm Hasenclever
ZDB 90148-9

Das Lämplein was a humorous-satirical weekly newspaper in Leipzig . It was published as a cooperative from November 29, 1878 to January 10, 1880. Wilhelm Hasenclever was the editor-in-chief of the paper .

The so-called Socialist Law , which was in force from 1878 to 1890, allowed bans on socialist parties, organizations and printed matter as well as political assemblies. Bismarck's intention was to use police-state means to eliminate the increasing influence of the labor movement in politics and society and to smash the social democratic structures. August Bebel describes this in his book " From My Life " as follows:

Attempts to found new papers in place of the suppressed papers, which, depending on the current situation, had to be edited with extreme caution, were unsuccessful in the first few years. After the suppression of the Free Press , an attempt was made in Berlin to found a colorless paper under the title Berliner Tagespost , which was viewed as a continuation of the Berlin Free Press and was immediately banned. Its editors were sentenced to a large fine. With the Vorwärts in Leipzig, a number of the provincial papers that appeared here fell victim to the law: Volksblatt in Altenburg , Volksblatt for the 14th Saxon constituency , Muldentaler Volksfreund , Groitzsch-Pegauer Volksblatt and Voigtland Free Press . The Mitteldeutsche Zeitung , the Free Press and the Neue Leipziger Zeitung also fell . 1879 followed the Leipzig observers , the German weekly magazine and hikers , as the last sheet was 1881 Reich Citizenship suppressed after earlier still a small comic strip The little lamp had gone the way of socialist law. "Now we stopped every attempt to found a new paper in Leipzig for years to come," wrote August Bebel in his memoirs.


  • Wilhelm Hasenclever . In: Lexicon of Westphalian Authors 1750 to 1950 .
  • Christine Haug Traveling and reading in the age of industrialization: the history of the train station and traffic book trade in Germany from its beginnings around 1850 to the end of the Weimar Republic , p. 87, ISBN 978-3-447-05401-0 , ISBN 3-447 -05401-8
  • Florian Oel . Press under the Socialist Law  : Student work, p. 22, ISBN 978-3-638-40158-6

Individual evidence

  1. In the memories of August Bebel from my life (third part p. 24) in the chapter “The next effects of the law” we find a small reference to Das Lämplein , which fell victim to the restrictions of the so-called Socialist Law. From my life, Vol. 1–3, Stuttgart, 1910, 1911, 1914. (online version)
  2. ^ Schröder, Wolfgang and Inge Kiesshauer. The cooperative book printing company in Leipzig. 1872 - 1881. With a bibliographical appendix: Publishing catalogs of social democratic publishers in Leipzig (1869 - 1881). Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag, 1992.