David Noble (explorer)

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David Noble

David Noble (* 1965 ) is an Australian who achieved fame in 1994 for his discovery of wollemia ( Wollemia nobilis ) in Wollemi National Park .

Noble's parents, John and Olive Noble, emigrated to Australia from England when David was two years old.

Noble explored a variety of hard-to-reach places in Wollemi National Park ; among other things, he explored the canyons in the park. While he was employed as a "field officer" at the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NSW), on September 10, 1994 he discovered wollemia, which until then was only known from fossil finds . In his honor, the specific epithet " nobilis " was chosen for the botanical name .

After his spectacular discovery, he earned a "Bachelor of Applied Science" and was promoted to Ranger.


  1. James Woodford: The Wollemi Pine: The incredible discovery of a living fossil from the age of the dinosaurs , (Revised Edition), The Text Publishing Company, 2002, ISBN 1-876485-74-4 (Engl.)