Decimus Laberius

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Decimus Laberius (* 105 BC ; † 43 BC ) was a Roman knight and a famous mime poet .

Laberius was in his 60th year 45 BC. Forced by Gaius Iulius Caesar to appear in one of his mimes (in competition with Publilius Syrus ) himself. Its prologue, in which he laments his fate in a moving way, has survived. The dictator gave him back the knighthood he had lost due to his appearance on stage.

The fragments of around 40 mimes that have been preserved give manifold samples of his original wit and his bold language creation (collected in Ribbeck's Comicorum romanorum fragmenta , 2nd edition, Leipzig. 1873).


  • Werner A. Krenkel: Caesar and the Mimus of Laberius . Reports from the meetings of the Joachim-Jungius-Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften eV, Hamburg, 12.1. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 1994.

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