Dedekind's psi function

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The Dedekind ψ function is one of several number theoretic functions named after Richard Dedekind . It's a multiplicative function , it's done

Are defined. The product covers all prime divisors of


According to the definition of the empty product is

For the next two natural numbers we get:

The sequence of function values ​​continues with 6, 6, 12, 8, 12, 12, 18, 12, 24,….


  • The function only takes positive natural numbers as values. For all sufficiently large is greater than and straight:
It is the Euler's totient function , which for each positive integer , the number of the to prime indicating natural numbers not greater than are.
  • The function can also be carried out by
for powers of prime numbers with positive natural exponents and the definition that it is multiplicative. The value for any is then obtained from the prime factorization of

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  1. Follow A001615 in OEIS