Deligne cohomology

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The Deligne cohomology is used in mathematics, especially in algebraic geometry , for the construction of secondary characteristic classes. It was introduced by Pierre Deligne around 1972 (unpublished).


Let be a smooth manifold and the sheaf of complex-valued differential forms . For one , the Deligne complex is defined by


Here the coquette complex is with for and for , the cone is the image cone of the chain image given by the inclusions of sheaves and and denotes the chain complex with .

The -th Deligne cohomology is


Note that different complexes are used for different ones.


Long exact sequence

fits into an exact sequence


Denotes the closed differential forms and the De-Rham cohomology .

Next is

and the composition

is the negative of the Bockstein homomorphism of the short exact sequence .

In particular, for -dimensional, closed, orientable manifolds:


Product structure

There is a clearly defined product , so that it becomes a graded commutative ring with the following properties:

  • for every smooth map there is a ring homomorphism
  • for all is a ring homomorphism
  • for all is a ring homomorphism
  • for and for all true

Here are the homomorphisms from the above long exact sequence.

Application: Secondary characteristic classes

Complex vector bundles

To every complex vector bundle with a connected form over a manifold one can assign classes (in a natural way for bundle mapping ) , so that the homomorphism (from the above exact sequence)

on maps, where the -th Chernform and the -th Chern class - whose image is precisely the De Rham cohomology class of - denotes.

If there is a flat connection on a trivializable vector bundle , one obtains


If is additionally defined

the Chern-Simons invariant of .

Real vector bundles

Define for a real vector bundle with connection


For a -dimensional Riemannian manifold consider the Levi-Civita connection and define the (Riemannian) Chern-Simons invariant through it


is a conforming invariant .


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