Delphinus of Bordeaux

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Delphinus of Bordeaux († around 401/404) is the first secured bishop of Bordeaux .

Delphinus is mentioned in several late antique works: Sulpicius Severus names him in his world history ( Chronicorum Libri duo or Historia sacra ), Paulinus of Nola corresponded with him ( Epistulae ), as well as Ambrosius of Milan . Prosper Tiro of Aquitaine lists it in his chronicle ( Epitoma chronicorum ).

Delphinus was bishop of Bordeaux in 380 at the latest, as he took part in the synod of Saragossa in this office . He promoted the Christianization of his diocese on the basis of Catholic doctrine in a ( Visigothic ) empire whose kings adhered to Arianism . He presided over the Council of Bordeaux in 384 and in 389 baptized Paulinus, who later became Bishop of Nola . His reputation far exceeded the boundaries of his diocese. He was friends with Phoepadius, Bishop of Agen , who also defended Catholicism during the Arian crisis, and corresponded regularly with Ambrose of Milan. His successor in Bordeaux was St. Amandus .

His feast day is December 24th.



  1. the name means "coming from Delphi "