Democratic Freedom Party (Ghana)

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Democratic Freedom Party ( Democratic Freedom Party ) ( DFP ) is a social democratic party in Ghana .

It was founded in 2006 by senior members of the former Jerry Rawlings party , the National Democratic Congress . The DFP received the official confirmation of establishment from the National Election Commission in October 2006.

From the point of view of the party founders, the DFP should play an important role in the 2008 presidential and parliamentary elections. The chairman is Obed Asamoah , former Foreign Minister and Justice Minister of Ghana under Rawlings. Other well-known members include Abraham Kofi Asante, a former MP, and Mike Eghan, former vice chairman of the Convention People's Party . Mostly, these are former supporters of Rawlings from his National Democratic Congress (NDC) party, who now turned out to be critics or opponents of Rawlings as a person.

With the founding of the party of the DFP, the functionaries were accused of weakening the NDC party and thus indirectly giving the political opponents a boost for the 2008 elections.

See also

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