Democratic Party of China

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The Democratic Party of China ( Chinese  中國 民主黨  /  中国 民主党 , Pinyin Zhōngguó Mínzhǔ Dǎng ) is a Chinese party founded on June 25, 1998. It is not recognized as a party in China.


The party advocates a democratic Chinese republic and a free market economy based on the Western model and advocates freedom of expression, speech and freedom of the press. The party believes that state property, as it existed in Stalin and Mao's “ state capitalism ”, is no longer party property.

The party also advocates social justice , more human rights, less corruption, more education, a nonviolent solution to the Taiwan conflict , a comprehensive investigation and clarification of the Tian'anmen massacre and the release of the captive leaders of the party.

She also speaks out for NATO , the EU and against an anti- USA alliance with Russia .

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