Deprecatio Gelasii

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In the history of the liturgy, deprecatio Gelasii is an early church form of the Kyrie litany .


Based on the Eastern Church model, this litany probably initially replaced the general church prayer between the sermon and the preparation of gifts . Soon the place of this prayer changed and moved to the oration at the end of the opening part of the mass . In further stages of development, the intervening requests were omitted because they were perceived as duplicating the requests of the canon . All that was left was a repeated Kyrie call. The attribution of the measure to Pope Gelasius I is considered certain.


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Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Michael Fiedrowicz : The traditional mass: history, shape and theology of the classical Roman rite . 4th edition. 2017, ISBN 978-3-941862-23-4 , pp. 16 (312 pages).
  2. a b Deprecatio Gelasii . In: Elizabeth Livingstone (ed.): The Concise Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church . 3. Edition. Oxford University Press , 2014, ISBN 978-0-19-965962-3 .