The splinter in the eye of God

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The science fiction - novel The Mote in God's Eye (. Closely Original title: The Mote in God's Eye ) by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle is the first contact of a future human civilization with an alien race. It was first published in 1974. The German first edition was published in 1977.


In the distant future: the human race has colonized part of the galaxy, founded great empires that fell apart again, fought civil wars and built new empires, ventured into uncharted interstellar territory - it never came across any other intelligent race. A mysterious flying object is approaching from the area of ​​the Coal Sack Nebula, from a system whose central star is called a “splinter in the eye of God” - a probe driven by a light sail. A ship in the space fleet intercepts the object before it crashes into a sun. The strange creature on board is killed in the risky rescue maneuver. It was the emissary of a completely different, obviously ancient and technologically advanced race. Did he have the opportunity to send a message to his homeworld before he died? Did he interpret the encounter with humans as an attack on himself and his ship? There is only one way to face the potential danger and show goodwill: to visit the home system of the foreigner. A race against time begins.

The Splinter is a work about human encounters with another highly developed species. Niven and Pournelle generated a coherent universe for this and largely stuck to the findings of physics and astronomy.

The follow-up novel Der Ring um das Augen Gottes (1993) by the same team of authors revisits the eternal conflict between military security ideas and humanistic ideals, this time it is the aliens who take the initiative. In 2011 another sequel appeared with Outies , in which neither Niven nor Pournelle were involved as authors.



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