The star over the forest

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The star above the forest is a very short story by the Austrian author Stefan Zweig , published in 1904 .


The main character of the story is the waiter François, who works in the Rivierahotel. When he serves Countess Ostrowska, he is bewitched inside and feels deep admiration for her person. With a loyal, desireless love, he serves her unnoticed and soaks up her every command in order to be near her.

However, when he learns that the Countess is leaving by train, François's life, which has suddenly grown in color, collapses. After initial thoughts of going after her, he takes his little money to buy a very special, last bouquet of flowers for his beloved. After that, thoughts of death drive him around, which eventually lead him to the platform on which Countess Ostrowska's train will pass.

With a lonely star in his eye, François lies down on the rails and lets his life end with the train in which his beloved is sitting.


  • Knut Beck (Ed.): Stefan Zweig - Confusion of feelings. Stories (collected works in individual volumes). S. Fischer Verlag, Frankfurt am Main 1983, ISBN 3-10-097058-6 .