Old Hildebrand

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The old Hildebrand is a swank ( ATU 1360C). In the children's and house tales of the Brothers Grimm, from the 2nd edition of 1819, it is in place 95 (KHM 95) in Austrian .


The pastor advises a peasant woman so that the two of them can be alone if she is sick. On Sundays he preaches a sermon in front of her husband that sick relatives can be healed by a pilgrimage to the Göckerliberg. The prank succeeds, but the farmer meets his godfather on the way. He guesses what's going on and carries him back to his wife, hidden in his egg basket, and asks for shelter. When the peasant woman and pastor begin to sing in dialogue, the other two sing back and the farmer chases the pastor away.


The unsteady tale in the apparently Austrian dialect is fairytale-like only in the one element of the egg basket in which the godfather can carry the farmer, whereby the farmer's wife does not suspect.

Origin and comparisons

Grimm's comment mentions the origin of the Austrian, where it is also called the old kiln brandy. In a German-Bohemian variant, the woman only lets the man in with the basket when he says: "So the venerable gentleman inside may put in a good word for me." He lies down on the stove and pretends to be asleep. The woman fetches a large mug, first the pastor sings to drink, she replies, then the one with the basket should, and finally Hildebrand sings and chases her away:

"I sent a messenger, Alleluia!
to Badua in Wällischland, Kyrieeleison! "
"I gave him three guilders, A.!
and two loaves of bread next to it, K.!
"There is my butte on the wall, A.!
Old Hildebrand is sitting inside, K.! "
"Now I have to get out, A.!
can never stay inside, K.! "

In a story from Hesse , the woman sends her little black Hildebrand to Tellerland, the pastor gives his horse and a hundred thalers. The godfather brings him back in the basket and asks the woman about him, whereupon the woman, pastor, godfather and Hildebrand sing one after the other:

"I must have sent my husband out
to the Tif-Taf-Tellerland. "
"I gave him a brown horse
and a hundred thalers on the way. "
"oh dear Hildebrand,
in the puke on the wall. "
"I can no longer be silent,
I have to get out of my puke. "

Grimms compare the unfaithful Mrs. Ute in Hildebrandslied p. 77 , Penelope in Odysseus , KHM 38 The wedding of Mrs. Fox , Munster. Say p. 215 ; Meier No. 41 ; Pröhle Kinderm. No. 63.

Compare also KHM 61 Das Bürle and KHM 61a Von der Schneider, who soon got rich .


  • Grimm, brothers. Children's and Household Tales. Last hand edition with the original notes by the Brothers Grimm. With an appendix of all fairy tales and certificates of origin, not published in all editions, published by Heinz Rölleke. Volume 3: Original Notes, Guarantees of Origin, Afterword. Pp. 184–185, 483. Revised and bibliographically supplemented edition, Stuttgart 1994. (Reclam-Verlag; ISBN 3-15-003193-1 )

Web links

Wikisource: The old Hildebrand  - sources and full texts