German youth from Russia

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German Youth from Russia
legal form registered association
founding July 17, 1998
Seat Stuttgart , Germany
main emphasis Representation of interests , aid organization and cultural association for all Russian Germans

The German Youth from Russia e. V. (DJR) is a free, democratic, non-partisan and non-denominational youth association. The DJR was founded to represent the interests of young immigrants from the successor states of the Soviet Union , especially those who moved to Germany as Russian Germans over the course of a few decades after the Second World War . Due to the complicated social and cultural structures of the immigrant group, the DJR transformed into an open youth association that represents the needs and concerns of all migrants, regardless of their background. The federal office of the DJR is in Stuttgart . The largest district associations are organized in Stuttgart, Berlin and Frankfurt, each with around 1,000 members. According to its own information, the association is active in 9 federal states and 42 districts.

tasks and goals

According to its own statements, the DJR sees itself as an interest group , aid organization and cultural association for all immigrants from the countries of the former Soviet Union . These include Germans from Russia , resettlers, asylum seekers and quota refugees. The main concern of the DJR is to create favorable framework conditions for integration into German society on a social, political and cultural level. The DJR tries to achieve these goals by helping them to help themselves by enabling young people to develop various offers independently. According to the concept of empowerment , the young people experience positive experiences that strengthen the young people without surviving violence, drugs or crime. The offers mostly consist of cultural events, group and leisure activities, information and integration seminars, sports and cultural projects, meeting evenings or advice and help with personal, school and professional questions and problems. The work is carried out almost exclusively on a voluntary basis and primarily provides for cooperation with all providers of integration and youth work and the integration of their own offers into the communal community.

Federal Executive

  • Norbert Strohmaier, first chairman
  • Alexander Probst, second chairman
  • Olga Bakushev

See also

Web links