Aid organization

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An aid organization is an organization whose purpose is to help people or animals or to protect material assets such as cultural assets that are particularly worthy of protection.

Humanitarian aid organizations focus on helping people. The two largest types of humanitarian aid agencies are emergency aid agencies and development aid agencies.


Humanitarian aid organization

As humanitarian aid in the strict sense refers to the material and logistical supply and distribution of tools to protect people in a humanitarian emergency. Such emergencies arise as a result of a medical disaster, a natural disaster or an armed conflict. Aid organizations are mostly impartial and neutral and focus on eliminating the suffering of the affected population. In a broader sense, humanitarian aid is also long-term development cooperation.

Some of the aid organizations are very specialized. In Germany, for example, there is Aktion Deutschland Hilft , a community of 17 aid organizations in order to jointly provide quick and effective aid in the event of major disasters and emergency situations abroad. Doctors of the World and Doctors Without Borders as medical help, Alliance Development Helps to bundle humanitarian aid in the broader sense, SEEBA and SEEWA units of the Technical Relief Organization for Logistics, Transport and Infrastructure and World Vision Germany especially for childcare.

Development Assistance

Development aid that used to be paternalistic, or today mostly partnership-based development cooperation, is the joint effort of industrialized and developing countries to permanently and sustainably reduce global differences in socio-economic development and general living conditions.

Development cooperation as a so-called development aid pursues long-term, sustainable goals and intends to make structural changes. It follows emergency aid such as refugee, famine, disaster or humanitarian aid , which are more short-term and anxious to mitigate the worst effects of natural disasters and wars as quickly as possible and to improve current living conditions.

Emergency aid and emergency preparedness

An emergency aid organization serves to ward off dangers to the health and life of people and property. Mostly they perform tasks in the field of health care , e.g. B. Medical security services at major events of all kinds, emergency services , help for people in need of care or patient repatriation from abroad. Some organizations have taken on special tasks such as mountain rescue service , mine rescue , cave rescue , air rescue , sea ​​rescue or water rescue . In a broader sense, fire brigades and the THW are also among the aid organizations. Some are also active in civil and disaster protection with its various specialist services. The German Red Cross , the Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe and the Malteser Hilfsdienst are recognized as voluntary aid organizations under Article 26 of the Geneva Convention I of August 12, 1949 to improve the lot of the wounded and sick in the armed forces in the field. Recognition within the meaning of Article 63 of the Geneva Convention IV of August 12, 1949 on the protection of civilians in times of war is available to these three organizations, as well as the Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund and the Deutsche Lebens-Rettungs-Gesellschaft .

Another goal of the aid organizations is prevention ; this includes, on the one hand, educating the population about dangers and, on the other hand, training the population in first aid (e.g. courses for driving license applicants or company first aiders). To ensure uniform training, five aid organizations in Germany ( ASB , DLRG , DRK , JUH and MHD ) have joined forces in the Federal First Aid Working Group .

The aid organizations regularly offer places in the federal voluntary service . The distinction between an aid organization and an aid association is not always easy. The difference is defined by the term organization : leadership, communication, structure and ability to work from the start. An aid organization is able to constantly mobilize a large number of helpers. A charity, however, does not have this ability.

Health aid

In health aid in Germany, organizations to combat cancer, a widespread disease, are becoming increasingly important. The aim of the German Cancer Aid is to fight cancer in all its manifestations and to finance the aid projects exclusively from donations. Krebshilfe and the German Cancer Society, the oldest oncological specialist society in Germany, have been working together in free information work and projects since 2012. According to the motto “Help. To research. Informing. ”, The cancer aid funds projects to improve prevention, early detection, diagnosis, therapy, medical follow-up care and psychosocial care, including cancer self-help. In the meantime, ten nationwide aid organizations have joined forces in the House of Cancer Self-Help .

Children's charities

Children's charities are non-profit humanitarian aid organizations that are particularly committed to the support of children and their social environment, with the aim of improving the living conditions of children in individual countries and worldwide.

Children’s charities are active around the world, especially in poorer regions and developing countries . Your help improves the social conditions in which children live, their health care, their upbringing , school and professional training , and the protection of children's rights and the protection of children from all forms of exploitation and abuse. Children's charities differ from aid organizations that generally help people in need with their projects due to their specific target group.

Children's charities usually finance their humanitarian work with donations , often in the form of sponsorships , sometimes also through sponsoring , or special commitment from companies, foundations or individuals.

The world's largest independent children's charity is Save the Children .

Some other large international children's aid organizations are UNICEF , terre des hommes , SOS Children's Villages , Plan International , World Vision Germany , Kindernothilfe , ora international , CFI International Children's Aid and the papal children's mission organization “Die Sternsinger ”. Other children's aid organizations with projects abroad include CFI International Children's Aid , “ Aktion kleine Prinz ”, the Lima children's organization , the Christian Mission Service and many more.

Donations from German children's aid organizations and third world organizations:

Facility 2000 2008 2009 2017 2018 2019
SOS Children's Villages 128.3 million euros
Children's missionary organization "The Carol Singers" 29.9 million euros 39.7 million euros 39.6 million euros
Adveniat 64.9 million euros
missio 62.7 million euros
UNICEF 62.6 million euros
Misereor 61.7 million euros
bread for the World 61.2 million euros
Kindernothilfe 42.2 million euros
International plan 34.5 million euros
German World Hunger Aid 32.7 million euros 133.0 million euros
World Vision Germany 22.3 million euros 58.2 million euros 64.4 million euros
terre des hommes 11.8 million euros
ChildFund Germany 6.71 million euros 9.61 million euros 8.9 million euros
German Children's Fund 4.1 million euros
Help - help for self-help 5.7 million euros 4.7 million euros
Children's future (Rudolf Walther Foundation) 2.3 million euros
Children's Fund Global-Care 1.3 million euros
National Help Program Albania- Kinderhaus Tirana 1.3 million DM
Save the Children 3.16 million euros 4.23 million euros

Animal charity

Animal aid or animal emergency aid refers to the care of animals in emergency situations. An emergency situation can, for example, be a natural disaster or an animal-despising attitude. In such emergencies, organizations such as B. the WSPA World Animal Welfare Society and the International Animal Welfare Fund (IFAW ) u. a. with feed, drinking water and medical care and are also developing early warning systems.


The German Central Institute for Social Issues awards the donation seal to social and charitable organizations based in Germany that meet certain criteria . It stands for the verifiable, economical and statutory use of the donations and thus for the seriousness and transparency of the audited organization.

The German Donation Council is a registered association based in Berlin and sees itself as an umbrella organization for charitable organizations that collect donations. It includes private and church associations from the fields of humanitarian aid as well as animal, species and nature conservation.

In Switzerland, the ZEWO Foundation grants non-profit organizations a "quality mark", which confirms the responsible and transparent handling of donations.

See also

Web links

Wiktionary: aid organization  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations

Individual evidence

  1. Federal Foreign Office: Fighting major humanitarian crises together. ( Memento from July 29, 2010 on WebCite )
  2. Cooperation agreement from July 2012
  3. a b Little Prince Action. (No longer available online.) Archived from the original on September 3, 2011 ; Retrieved October 14, 2010 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  4. Lima Children's Works. Retrieved October 14, 2010 .
  6. ( Memento from October 5, 2010 on WebCite )
  7. Archived copy ( memento of the original from November 29, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  8. Archive link ( Memento of the original from July 28, 2010 on WebCite ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
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