German class lottery Berlin

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The German Class Lottery Berlin ( DKLB ) is the lottery company of Berlin . Through the German Class Lottery Act and the German Class Lottery Foundation (DKLB law), it has taken on the task of running games of chance and lotteries on behalf of the State of Berlin.

A supervisory officer during random samples of the Berlin city lottery in 1947


The DKLB is a member of the German Lotto and Totoblock . The merger with the lottery companies of the other 15 federal states guarantees that lotteries and sports betting are carried out nationwide according to uniform rules. But the DKLB is also active on an international level and benefits from the exchange of experience with the World Lottery Association and the European State Lottery and Toto Association. A special feature is that profits from gaming operations do not flow into the state budget, as is usual in many federal states, but are used for charitable purposes via the Deutsche Klassenlotterie Foundation .


In 1763 there was a state monopoly for lottery in Prussia for the first time . After the number lottery was banned in Berlin in 1810, the first casinos emerged, but they were banned again 58 years later. It was not until 1933 that the ban on casinos was lifted and in 1938 the German Reich Lottery was established. After the war, the German Reichslotterie came to an end in 1945 and the Berlin city lottery emerged as a development lottery . On July 11, 1946, the German class lottery was founded in Berlin, Brandenburg and Mecklenburg and in 1949 the Berliner Sporttoto Gesellschaft was founded, and with it the first betting option in the Berlin soccer TOTO. In 1952 the DKLB was declared an institution under public law . In 1990 the area of ​​validity of the DKLB was extended to the eastern part of Berlin and in 1991 the DKLB was recognized as the only lottery company in Berlin. In 1998 the DKLB Foundation received the "Golden Football" from the Berlin Football Association. The turnover of the DKLB rose over 600 million marks, at the same time more than 100 million marks in lottery tax were paid to the state of Berlin for the first time.

Play opportunities

  • 1953 Introduction of the number lottery "5 out of 90"
  • 1955 The game "6 out of 49" is introduced in the German lottery block
  • 1959 Now LOTTO “6 out of 49” is also played in Berlin; the DKLB and the Sporttoto GmbH merge
  • 1967 Start of the Olympic lottery , which later becomes the spiral of luck
  • 1969 The 11er bet complements the DKLB program
  • 1982 Introduction of Wednesday LOTTO 7 out of 38 and SPIEL 77 on Wednesday
  • 1984 Start of the scratch card lottery in Berlin
  • 1992 Introduction of the additional lottery SUPER 6 with a stake of 2 DM
  • 1999 ODDSET - Die Sportwette - starts on August 3rd
  • 2004 July 7th: Introduction of the TOTO 13-bet
  • 2004 November 8th: Introduction of plus 5 and KENO - the number lottery

Web links