German School Sharjah

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The German International School Sharjah (DIS Sharjah) is a private school in Sharjah . The sponsor is the school association "Deutsche Schule Sharjah", to which the parents of the pupils and kindergarten children belong.

The school offers the German curriculum in the Emirate of Sharjah .

An enrollment fee and a school fee have to be paid for attending the school. The lessons are in German.

The school is financially and personally supported by the Federal Republic of Germany (Central Agency for Schools Abroad in Cologne).


The ruler of Sharjah, Sheikh Sultan III. al-Qasimi donated the property on which the school stands to the German School Sharjah. In 1977 the school was opened with 31 students in 8 classes and in 1993 a kindergarten was added. In 2010/2011 around 100 schoolchildren and 30 kindergarten children visited the facility.

In 2010 the German International School Sharjah received the seal of approval "Excellent German School Abroad".

School degrees

Students can obtain the following school qualifications:

  • Secondary school leaving certificate after grade 9
  • Realschule certificate after grade 10
  • IB graduation after grade 12
  • Eligibility for transition to the upper level of the gymnasium after grade 10

The certificates are on an equal footing with the certificates of any state school in Germany, since DIS Sharjah is a German school abroad recognized by the Conference of Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs in Germany.

Web links