German Foundation for Heart Research

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German Foundation for Heart Research


Purpose: Funding of basic research and clinical research in the field of prevention, education, support of diagnostics, therapy and follow-up treatment of cardiovascular diseases
Chair: Udo Sechtem
Managing directors: Martin Vestweber
Consist: since 1988
Balance sheet total: EUR 12,817,403 (2017)
Seat: Frankfurt am Main

no founder specified

The German Heart Research Foundation is a subsidiary of the German Heart Foundation . The aim of the foundation according to the statutes is to "promote basic research and clinical research in the field of prevention, education, support of diagnostics, therapy and follow-up treatment of heart and circulatory diseases".


The board consists of ten honorary members who are each elected for a period of four years. The current chairman is Udo Sechtem . The evaluation of funding applications is supported by a scientific advisory board made up of ten experts from the field of cardiovascular research.

Projects and activities

In 2017, the foundation supported 26 research projects with a total funding volume of almost EUR 1.3 million.

As part of the annual conference of the German Society for Cardiology , the foundation annually awards the August Wilhelm and Lieselotte Becht Research Prize to young scientists in the field of patient-centered cardiovascular research.

Web links

Individual evidence

  4. a b German Heart Research Foundation: 2017 Annual Report , June 2018, accessed December 15, 2018
  6. ^ Statutes of the German Heart Research Foundation , accessed on June 2, 2016
  7. ^ Website of the German Heart Research Foundation , accessed on December 18, 2011