German gymnastics championships 1935

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The German Gymnastics Championships 1935 took place on November 30th and December 2nd, 1935 in the Frankfurt Festhalle . 135 artistic gymnasts determined their masters in two rating classes.

Frankfurt Festival Hall


Olympic class

44 artistic gymnasts competed for the championship title, with the 15 best gymnasts qualified for the cure exercises on Sunday after completing the compulsory exercises. 12,000 spectators followed the final matches in the Olympic class. Defending champion Alfred Schwarzmann only achieved 4th place, while Konrad Frey won his second championship title early on.

The Olympic class did the entire Olympic program in two days. In addition to the six compulsory exercises on the first day of the competition (horizontal bar, parallel bars, lateral horse, longitudinal horse, rings and free exercise), the horse's longitudinal jump was the only freestyle exercise. In addition, a so-called "völkisch pronunciation", which was carried out by Reichsdietwart Karl Münch after the exercises, was mandatory.

The second day of the competition saw the free exercises in parallel bars, cross horses, horizontal bar, rings and free practice.

space Gymnast Points
1 Konrad Frey ( MTV Bad Kreuznach ) 287.1
2 Walter Steffens (Bremen) 281.1
3 Ernst Winter ( Eintracht Frankfurt ) 229.4
4th Alfred Schwarzmann ( TV Fürth 1860 ) 226.5
5 Franz Beckert (TV Neustadt / Black Forest) 224.4
6th Heinz Sandrock (Immigrather TV) 223.0
7th Volz (Schwabach) 221.5
8th Hans Friedrich (Munich) 218.7

Master class

The disciplines of the master class consisted of horizontal bar, parallel bars, cross horse, horse jump, rings and exercise, each in compulsory and freestyle.

space Gymnast Points
1 Reinhold Leuschel (Talheim) 214.4
2 Stiegler (Mainz) 212.6
3 Richard Reuther (Oppau) 212.4
4th Erwin Tretner (Altenburg) 207.1
5 Reubert (Hohndorf) 206.8
6th Hassler (Bitterfeld) 205.8
7th Wilhelm Kippert ( TV Villingen ) 205.2
8th Recker (Pirmasens) 204.9
