German Prize for Astronomy

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The German Prize for Astronomy was awarded in 2009 by the Vereinigung der Sternfreunde e. V. (VdS) launched as the successor to the VdS medal . The full name is German Prize for Astronomy - awarded by the Vereinigung der Sternfreunde e. V.

The prize, which is awarded every two years by the VdS, is intended to honor the special commitment of amateur astronomers . The statutes of the previous VdS medal for special merits were adopted as a guideline for the award. They can also be awarded to people who do not belong to the VdS. The "German Prize for Astronomy" is endowed with a certificate and prize money of 500 euros. The presentation and appreciation take place during the general meeting.

On October 21, 2017, the VdS renamed the award again to VdS Medal - German Prize for Amateur Astronomy .

Award winners

  • 2011: Peter Riepe (long-time head of the VdS astrophotography group)
  • 2013: Hanns Ruder
  • 2015: Ranga Yogeshwar
  • 2017: Wolfgang Busch

Individual evidence

  1. ^ The 30th Bochum Autumn Conference (BoHeTa). Retrieved November 12, 2017 .
  2. "German Prize for Astronomy 2013" awarded. Retrieved November 12, 2017 .
  3. That was the VdS conference in Heidelberg. Retrieved November 12, 2017 .