German public broadcaster

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The Deutsche Volkssender was an anti-fascist radio broadcaster that broadcasted from Moscow in the Soviet Union from September 10, 1941 to May 15, 1945 and addressed the population of the German Reich in German . He saw himself as the successor to the German freedom broadcaster 29.8 . Numerous functionaries of the Central Committee of the KPD from exile in Moscow reported via the popular broadcaster . a. Wilhelm Pieck and Walter Ulbricht , who had already addressed the German people via the freedom broadcaster 29.8.


"Caution! Attention! Here is the German public broadcaster! We speak in the name of the German people! "

The station tried by information and propaganda the resistance against the Nazi support in Germany and encourage. Wall slogans and leaflets were read out and encrypted messages were also sent to communist resistance groups. In addition, the names of captured Wehrmacht soldiers were read out in prisoner-of-war programs and the audience was asked to inform their relatives about the whereabouts of the soldiers. This gave the station a certain popularity.

Various sub-programs were broadcast as part of the people's broadcaster, such as the soldier 's channel , women's channel and youth channel Sturmadler .

Employees (selection)
