German Business Club Transylvania

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German Business Club Transylvania
legal form Romanian Association
founding 1998 in Hermannstadt (Sibiu)
purpose Development of economic relations
Chair Harald Friedrich
Managing directors Paul Mezei
Members 200

The German Business Club Transylvania ( DWS ) was founded in 1998 in Hermannstadt (Sibiu) and entered in the register of associations there . DWS is a Romanian legal entity with non-profit activities.

As a contact point for companies from German-speaking countries, the DWS makes an active contribution to the development of economic relations between the countries of origin and Romania . At the same time, the DWS fulfills its role as a local representative of these companies.

The focus of the activities of the DWS is on the exchange of experiences between the member companies, the provision of information for the member companies and the maintenance of a constructive dialogue with representatives of politics and public administration . To this end, the DWS organizes regular members' meetings as well as numerous other events in which public figures and representatives of local business take part.

The DWS offers its members a platform for the exchange of experiences and the representation of their own interests through a strong community. In 2011 around 200 companies and institutions were registered as members.

The DWS is located in the Business Center (Centrul de Afaceri Sibiu) in Hermannstadt (Sibiu), Nicolaus Olahus - Str. No. 5.


  • Jörg K. Menzer, Gisbert Stalfort, Julian Teves: Romanian business law. Legal compendium for investors in Romania. Volume 1. Honterus-Verlag, Hermannstadt 2010, ISBN 978-973-1725-60-4 .

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