German precious pig

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The German Edelschwein is a breed of domestic pig .

Its distribution area extends from Central Europe to the Balkans .

The noble pig is large-framed, of medium length, has white bristles on white skin, a broad head with a dented nose line and erect ears. The sow reaches a weight of 250 to 300 kg and a height of approx. 80 cm at the withers , the boar can weigh up to 350 kg and reach a height of 85 cm. The pig is robust and is considered to be a happy one: it can gain up to 840 g in weight per day. With medium meat production, the animal has a high lean meat content of 55 percent. It is also less prone to stress and very fertile. Up to 14 piglets are born per litter.

The German Edelschwein was created at the end of the 19th century from the cross between the Marshland pigs with Yorkshires and English Middle Whites and was officially recognized as a breed in 1904. The population of the breed is under observation in Germany. In 2014 there were officially 3,835 female and 166 male animals in Germany.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Jens Mecklenburg: The other pig book. Schwarzenbek 2011, p. 57ff.
  2. a b Breed description pig: Deutsches Edelschwein / Large White . Website of the Federal Agency for Agriculture and Food. Retrieved September 3, 2016.
  3. Endangered pig breeds in Germany . Agriculture today. Retrieved September 3, 2016.