Germany scholarship

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The Deutschlandstipendium is a Germany-wide scholarship program for talented students at state and state-recognized universities that has been available since the summer semester 2011 .


The forerunner of this program is an identically designed scholarship program of the federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia , which expired with the start of the Germany scholarship . The Germany scholarship is the continuation of the NRW scholarship.


The Deutschlandstipendium was introduced with the "Law on the Creation of a National Scholarship Program (Scholarship Program Act - StipG)". In the third reading , the government draft was passed in the Bundestag on June 18, 2010 with the coalition majority of the CDU / CSU and FDP . The Federal Council approved the draft on July 9, 2010. The law was then issued on July 21, 2010 and promulgated on July 26, 2010 ( Federal Law Gazette I p. 957 ). It came into effect on August 1, 2010 in accordance with § 16 StipG in force.

The scholarship program

The universities organize the funding and should ensure the objectivity and quality of the selection process. The respective sponsor is named in the award certificate. The universities create an opportunity to get to know the sponsors and the scholarship holders. The donors can also offer the scholarship holders additional funding opportunities such as internships or further training events, but the sponsor and the scholarship holder are not obliged to each other.

The special achievements in the career should be determined by good grades and academic achievements as well as the willingness to take on responsibility or to have successfully overcome obstacles in one's own life and education. The scholarship is an income-independent grant. In addition to any BAföG payments, it is granted for at least two semesters including the semester break (approval period) and at most up to the exam or the end of the standard period of study .


With € 300 per month, students and newcomers whose career can be expected to achieve outstanding performance in their studies and work are funded. Half of the funds for this come from private donors (commercial enterprises, foundations or alumni, etc.), which the universities have to raise themselves. The other half comes from the federal budget .

The private financiers can claim tax deductions for their expenses.

Maximum funding rates

The law specifies the limitation of the number of sponsored students via an annual quota, which is to be increased gradually until a maximum sponsorship rate of 8% of the students at a university is reached. According to the coalition agreement signed in November 2013 , the scholarship is only to be continued with the target of 2% of students.

year 2011 2012 since 2013
Maximum funding rate 0.45% 1.00% 1.50%


In 2014 around 3/4 of German universities used the Deutschlandstipendium. The upper limit for the proportion of those receiving funding is 1.5 percent of the students.

year 2014 ... 2019
Private funding 24 million ... 29 million
Funded share of students 0.84% ... approx. 1%


The fzs criticized the introduction of the Germany Scholarship because it cemented social differences, disadvantaged students in structurally weak areas and was subject to a non-transparent selection process.

The Federal Court of Auditors criticized in its Annual Report 2013 that only 60 percent of federal funds that flowed in the years 2010 to 2012 in the Germany Scholarship, arrived in the form of scholarships for the students. The remaining 40 percent was spent on administrative costs, including the cost of advertising campaigns involving five advertising agencies.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Homepage of the Germany Scholarship ( Memento from June 24, 2017 in the Internet Archive ).
  2. Full text on juris
  3. BT-Drs. 17/1942 of June 7, 2010 ( PDF) and BT-Drs. 17/1552 of May 4, 2010 ( PDF).
  4. ^ A b Andreas Maisch: Expensive aid . January 2, 2014. Retrieved January 5, 2014.
  5. Report of the Federal Government on the Deutschlandstipendium on the results of the evaluation according to § 15 StipG and the accompanying research 2016 ( PDF, p. 6), accessed on November 25, 2017.
  6. a b Homepage of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research: Deutschlandstipendium - Facts & Figures , accessed on November 25, 2017.
  7. Information Office Germany Scholarship : The number of Germany scholarship holders rose again in 2019. In: BMBF Germany grant. Federal Ministry of Education and Research Section Scientific Career Paths and Further Education, accessed on July 9, 2020 .
  8. Student umbrella organization criticizes the supposed start of the national scholarship program . Archived from the original on October 29, 2013. Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Retrieved May 21, 2013. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /