German-speaking user association TeX

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Logo of DANTE e. V.

The German-speaking user association TeX e. V. (short . DANTE eV ) is the largest with nearly 2,000 members (as of 2019) TeX - groups worldwide.


After loosely organized meetings of German-speaking TeX enthusiasts had already taken place in the previous years, DANTE e. V. was founded on April 14, 1989 in Heidelberg and entered in the Heidelberg register of associations under the number 1659. The association was recognized by the tax office as a non-profit organization.

The purpose of the association according to the statutes is to support and advise TeX users throughout the German-speaking area. In addition, DANTE e. V. the interests of German-speaking TeX users on an international level vis-à-vis the other TeX user associations.


DANTE e. V. talks to the server of the ctan (CTAN), which is mirrored in many other:

Twice a year, general assemblies with an additional program (lectures and tutorials) take place at different locations in the German-speaking area, in which non-members can also participate.

The members' magazine Die TeXnische Komödie appears four times a year .

Together with other user groups, the TeX distribution TeX Collection is published annually and distributed free of charge to association members. It is also available in bookshops.

Similar groups

The international counterpart is the TeX Users Group (TUG) founded in 1980 . The Groupe francophone des Utilisateurs de TeX (GUTenberg) has existed in French-speaking countries since 1988 .

Web links


  1. Report of the treasurer for the year 2018 , in: DTK 2/2019, p. 16–29, p. 27, table 9 with information on the development in the years 2007–2019: most recently 1884 members in total.