German people

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German people was the name of a German nationalist -religious association.

This was founded in March 1930 by Mathilde Ludendorff and Erich Ludendorff and was supposed to bring together the Germans who had already created a unity between faith and “ race ”. On September 22, 1933 the association was banned by the National Socialists together with the Tannenbergbund . In the Bavarian Historical Lexicon , the German people are referred to as a "religious sect".

He was the direct predecessor of today's Covenant for God Knowledge . The club magazine was called Am heiligen Quell Deutscher Kraft .

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Right-wing extremism in the Bavarian Historical Lexicon
  2. Manfred Nebelin : Erich Ludendorff - A völkischer prophet . In: Revue d'Allemagne et des Pays de langue allemande , 32/2, 2000, pp. 245-256, p. 254.