Deaconry Sister

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Diaconal sisters are women of all ages who want to orient their profession and life in a Christian community towards Jesus Christ . Today's job description goes back to the Evangelical Diaconal Association Berlin-Zehlendorf founded in 1894 by the theology professor Friedrich Zimmer . His aim was, in addition to the possibility of working as a deaconess , to open up an activity in the diaconal field for women who did not want to commit to lifelong celibacy.

The appearance and way of life of the deaconry sisters have undergone constant change over the past 120 years and adapted to the needs of the times. There are single, single and married sisters. Since the mid-1990s, the Evangelical Diaconal Association has not only been open to women, but to all people who belong to the Working Group of Christian Churches in Germany (ACK) - including men. The deaconry sisters and deaconry brothers wear a brooch as a sign of identification.

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