Diakoniewerk Essen

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The Diakoniewerk Essen e. V. is an institution of the Diakonie of the Evangelical Church . The aim and purpose is to provide services for people in need and their caregivers in the city of Essen , which include information, advice, care as well as social and practical help. For this purpose, Diakoniewerk Essen has more than 1,150 residential places in more than 20 stationary facilities in child and youth welfare , disabled assistance , homeless and endangered assistance and assistance for the elderly . Numerous outpatient services also offer a wide range of advice and assistance. The spectrum ranges from neighborhood work with various prevention and school projects to the educational counseling center, outpatient assistance for upbringing and specialist counseling offers for people in different emergencies to refugee and migrant counseling. In addition, there are areas such as specialist advice for day-care centers and specialist advice for day-care centers, the senior and generational department and holiday camps. The social service point is also available for questions about the wide range of advice and support offered by the Diakonie and Evangelical Church in Essen .

The structure of the Diakoniewerk Essen

At the moment, Diakoniewerk Essen e. V. and its subsidiaries employs around 1,500 people. This makes the Diakoniewerk Essen one of the largest Protestant employers in Essen. The Diakoniewerk Essen e. V. sole shareholder of the following subsidiaries:

  • Diakoniewerk Essen service and administration company mbH
  • Diakoniewerk Essen non-profit youth and family aid GmbH
  • Diakoniewerk Essen non-profit endangered aid GmbH
  • Diakoniewerk Essen non-profit handicapped aid GmbH
  • Diakoniewerk Essen non-profit senior and medical aid GmbH
  • Diakoniewerk Essen non-profit association for day care facilities for children
  • Diakoniewerk Essen non-profit society for work and employment AiD mbH

The work areas are supported by numerous volunteers and donors.

Members of the Diakoniewerk Essen e. V. are Protestant parishes in Essen. The Diakoniewerk Essen is a member of the Diaconal Work of the Evangelical Church in the Rhineland .

On the history of the Diakoniewerk Essen

The Diakoniewerk Essen was founded in 1952 as Ev. Jugendheimstättenwerk founded with the creation of the first dormitories for young miners who came to the Ruhr area in the post-war years. In 1965 it was renamed Ev. Heimstättenwerk, 1998 the merger of the inpatient facilities of the Heimstättenwerk and the outpatient specialist services of the then Evangelical City Church Association Essen with the simultaneous renaming to Diakoniewerk Essen. To this day, the employees are committed to church-diaconal social work for people in need. Even under changing conditions, children, young people and families, as well as unemployed and homeless people, as well as old, sick and disabled people, were able to receive needs-based help. Diakoniewerk Essen, with its numerous residential and care facilities as well as advice and employment offers, is an important point of contact for Essen citizens who need support.


  • Julia Fiedler, Florian Melchert: The Chronicle of the Diakoniewerk Essen in five decades. Essen 2001.
  • Julia Fiedler: The Chronicle of the Diakoniewerk Essen 2000 to 2010. Essen 2011.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Michael Heiße: Diakoniewerk Essen builds dormitory for handicapped people in Kupferdreh . ( derwesten.de [accessed on August 15, 2018]).