The civil servant examination

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Anton Chekhov

The official examination ( Russian Экзамен на чин , Eksamen na tschin ) is a short story by the Russian writer Anton Chekhov , which appeared on July 14, 1884 in No. 28 of the Petersburg humorous weekly Oskolki . During the author's lifetime the text was translated into Bulgarian and Serbo-Croatian.


The almost sixty-year-old white-bearded civil servant Yefim Sacharytsch Fendrikow served at the post office counter for twenty-one years and is taking the first-class exam because he wants to become a college registrar . The examination committee headed by the grumpy inspector of the Achachow elementary school who has just arrived is made up of teachers. The candidate Fendrikow actually only fears the geography teacher Galkin among these people. The latter is resentful and can not forgive Fendrikow for ranting at the post office counter "Behind anstellen!" The Russian teacher Piwomedow wants to calm the excited candidate. The exam is only scheduled pro forma. Nobody fails.

The Russian exam also went well. Fendrikov only makes forgivable mistakes in dictation. However, his enemy Galkin then leads him on the ice with the question of the tributaries of the Ganges . Ultimately, it turns out that Fendrikov is at least partially up to date geographically. He can rely on Galkins sneaky request postal code of Zhitomir recite by heart. It is the turn of the arithmetic . Fendrikov can not think of anything. He begs Inspector Achachow's mercy.

When Fendrikow then celebrates in the pub with his colleagues and teachers, he can't really look forward to having passed the exam. He studied stereometry for a month . And the subject wasn't on the exam program.


  • 1969, Soviet Union , 5th channel: The civil servant examination . Comedy by Gennady Ivanov with Vasily Merkurjew as candidate Jefim Fendrikow.

German-language editions

Used edition

  • Gerhard Dick (Hrsg.), Wolf Düwel (Hrsg.): Anton Chekhov: Collected works in single volumes : The official examination. S. 204–208 in: Gerhard Dick (ed.): Anton Chekhov: From rain to eaves. Short stories. Translated from Russian by Ada Knipper and Gerhard Dick. With a foreword by Wolf Düwel. 630 pages. Rütten & Loening, Berlin 1964 (1st edition)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Note on pp. 546-547 in the FEB under The Official Examination (Russian)
  2. Russian 5th channel
  3. Russian Gennadi Kronidowitsch Ivanov
  4. Russian Wassili Wassiljewitsch Merkurjew
  5. Russian entry at
  6. Entry in WorldCat