The heirs of the night

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The Heirs of the Night is a 6-part series of novels by the author Ulrike Schweikert . The books are published by Cbt-Verlag.


Europe 1877: The power of the last great vampire clans is on the wane. In order to ensure the survival of the vampires, the venerable people decide to train their offspring together from now on. The main story revolves around the four friends Ivy-Mairé de Lycana, Franz Leopold de Dracas, Luciano de Nosferas and Alisa de Vamalia, who experience a lot of adventures together but also their first love.

Volume 1: Nosferas

The first year takes place with the Roman clan of the Nosferas. Here the heirs of the night should learn from the abilities of the others and thus find their way back to their former strength. But a terrible enemy lurks in the dark catacombs of the Eternal City ...

The Nosferas have developed immunity to the forces of the Church over the centuries. The heirs of the other clans, the Dracas from Vienna, the Lycana from Ireland, the Pyras from Paris, the Vamalia from Hamburg and the Vyrad from London should now also learn these skills. But in the Domus Aurea, the home of the Nosferas, family members are missing again and again until it turns out in the end that vampire hunters are in town and are hunting the vampires.

Volume 2: Lycana

On the wild coast of Ireland, the heirs should learn from the skills of the Lycana, the powerful shapeshifters. But when they arrive they get caught up in a centuries-old, bloody feud - the war between vampires and werewolves ... Foreign vampires also threaten the heirs, so that the heirs and their companions have to travel across the country to escape. But a traitor in their own ranks prevents their final salvation and the heirs even have to mourn one of their own. Ultimately, Ivy's friends also learn of her secret: She is an impure, a changed vampire and was not born of a vampire like the others.

Volume 3: Pyras

The heirs are to spend the third year of the academy with the Vamalia in Hamburg. But due to the renovation of the Speicherstadt, the clan loses its home and thus the year takes place at the Pyras in Paris.

The Pyras, the rulers of underground Paris and its rats, are now in their third year of training. But an old enemy lurks in the labyrinth under the metropolis - and he is more dangerous than ever. The vampire hunter from Rome is back with a weapon that could doom for the creatures of the night.

Volume 4: Dracas

Vienna, 1880. The fourth year of the academy begins with Viennese blood and the sounds of waltzes in the Dracas clan. But someone else came to Vienna on dark wings: Dracula, the mighty father of all vampires. He is more dangerous than ever and plans to destroy the heirs. Are you strong enough to fight absolute evil?

The ability of the Dracas is withheld from the other heirs; besides dancing, they only learn fencing and the German language. Ivy's secret threatens to be finally exposed and she is expelled from the academy, whereupon she is kidnapped by Dracula and taken to his castle. Her friends come to the rescue of Ivy, and the seventh vampire clan and Dracula help them escape.

Volume 5: Vyrad

In its fifth year, the academy leads to the Vyrad clan - to Victorian London. Meanwhile, Ivy has to stay away from her friends. She sees a terrible danger looming, but she cannot share her vague idea with anyone.

Here, too, new challenges await the heirs, they should learn the fight against rigidity and also the change into fog. The Vyrad are among the city's most sought-after lawyers, so the heirs are also introduced to the London judiciary, attend court hearings and track down perpetrators. In the end there is a great fight between the heirs and Ivy against Dracula, which the heirs can win by destroying Dracula. But Ivy-Mairé can no longer be saved either.

Volume 6: Oscuri

Alisa and Franz Leopold make their way to Venice to help Luciano find his beloved Clarissa after she disappeared there without a trace. Your search is made difficult by the Oscuri clan, a group of people who have made the night their home and move like silent shadows across the rooftops of Venice.


main characters

  • Ivy-Mairé de Lycana is an impure vampire in the body of a 14-year-old girl. She was born in 1764 and turned into a vampire at the age of 14. This came about as part of an agreement between druids, werewolves, and vampires. She stands out with her long silver hair and is constantly accompanied by her brother Seymour, who is with her in the form of a wolf. In the second year of the academy she approaches Franz Leopold, but this is overshadowed by secrets. In the fourth year of the academy she is officially exposed as a shadow and expelled from the academy. Shortly afterwards she is kidnapped by Dracula, who intends to create a new vampire line with her. She can be saved with the help of her friends, Bram Stoker and Abraham van Helsings. Despite the ban, she is traveling to London for her fifth year at the academy. There she finished Dracula in 1881, but died in the process.
  • Franz Leopold (Leo) de Dracas , born in 1864. Outwardly, he is very arrogant and dismissive. But when Alisa, Ivy and Luciano fall into a deadly trap in their first year at the academy, he helps them. Despite the strict prohibition, he has already tasted human blood and has to put up with the agony of longing for it. At first he develops feelings for Ivy, which are disturbed by the fact that he learns that she is an impure vampire. In the fourth year of the academy, he discovered that Alisa meant even more to him. At the same time, he reveals his friendship with Luciano when he manipulates his lover Clarissa von Todesco to drink from her. However, he proves himself a true friend when he helps save Ivy. After the last year of the academy, which was riddled with jealousy and misunderstandings for him and Alisa, to the delighted surprise of Alisa he went to Hamburg with her and did not return to Vienna.
  • Luciano de Nosferas was born in 1864. In his first year at the academy he was still chubby and often chewed his nails. He can accept things quickly and then doesn't think about them any further. In the fourth year of the academy, he falls in love with the human Clarissa von Todesco. After Leo has drank from her and he visits her at the bedside, he loses his temper and also drinks from her. After that, he has no choice but to transform her so as not to lose her. When he rushes to Ivy's help immediately after their successful transformation with Alisa and Leo, Clarissa loses her trust in him, which he has to fight back for a long time into the fifth year of the academy. There he duels with Lord Byron, who wooed Clarissa and shows her his unshakable love for her.
  • Alisa de Vamalia was born in 1864. During her first year at the academy she befriends Ivy and Luciano. She devours books and newspapers from people when she receives them. When Ivy is kidnapped by Dracula in her fourth year at the academy, she does not hesitate to travel to her and rescue her. In the same year, 1880, she has to admit that Franz Leopold is now more than just a friend and is surprised that he apparently reciprocated her feelings. In the final year of the academy there is jealousy from both sides, but they can clear it up by the end of the year.

Supporting characters

  • Anna Christina de Dracas , born in 1861. Like all Dracas, she is very pretty, but also arrogant and thinks she is above the other clans. Although she is already 18, she has to attend the third year of the academy until she is allowed to perform the ritual in 1879 and is thus considered a grown vampire.
  • Malcolm de Vyrad , born in 1861. In his first year at the academy, he meets the human girl Latona, who is the niece of the vampire hunter who went around the world . In the second year he developed some feelings for Alisa de Vamalia. In the third year of the academy in Paris, he meets Latona again, where he accidentally bites her, drawing her as his. He no longer takes part in the fourth year of the academy. In his fifth year at the academy in London, he finally finds Latona again and keeps his promise - he turns her into a vampire.
  • Mervyn de Lycana , born in 1862. In his fourth year at the academy, he falls in love with Rowena and gets together with her.
  • Raymond de Vyrad , born in 1862.
  • Sören de Vamalia , born in 1863. Is the oldest of the Vamalia heirs and annoys Alisa with it. In the fourth year of the academy, he meets Chiara.
  • Ireen de Vyrad , born in 1863. Ireen seems shy and calm. In the second part of Tonka (Upiry) she is blackmailed by the kidnapping of her sister Anne and therefore betrays the heirs. She recognizes the deception too late, nevertheless opposes the conspirators and is nevertheless destroyed in 1878.
  • Maurizio de Nosferas , born in 1863. His overeating is reflected in his appearance. He's always out with his tomcat who brings him food.
  • Karl Philipp de Dracas , born in 1863. He is a cousin of Franz Leopold and like all Dracas he is conceited and thinks that he is above the other heirs and all unclean people.
  • Chiara de Nosferas , born in 1864. Chiara is very bright and friendly and Alisa envies her feminine figure. In the fourth year of the academy she met Sören and after the academy went to Hamburg with him.
  • Rowena de Vyrad , born in 1864. She is very dreamy and in the fourth year of the academy she falls in love with Mervyn and goes to Ireland with him after the academy.
  • Joanne de Pyras , born in 1863. Has two gaps in her teeth and always a little dirt on her clothes. She is always out with her brother Fernand and Tammo.
  • Fernand de Pyras , born in 1865. Easily recognizable by the gap between his teeth and his rat that he always carries with him. He is friends with Tammo, to the chagrin of Alisa, and always on the road with Joanne.
  • Marie Luise de Dracas , born in 1865. In her fourth year at the academy, she reveals Ivy's secret.
  • Thakmar (Tammo) de Vamalia , born in 1868. The youngest heir in the academy. Quickly makes friends with Fernand and Joanne and loves adventure. The supervisor of Vamalia Hindrik has difficulty keeping an eye on him.


  • The heirs of the night - Nosferas , published in March 2008 by Cbt-Verlag, ISBN 978-3570304785
  • The heirs of the night - Lycana , published in November 2008 by Cbt-Verlag, ISBN 978-3570304792
  • The heirs of the night - Pyras , published in October 2009 by Cbt-Verlag, ISBN 978-3570304808
  • The heirs of the night - Dracas , published in October 2010 by Cbt-Verlag, ISBN 978-3570306567
  • The heirs of the night - Vyrad , published in October 2011 by Cbt-Verlag, ISBN 978-3570306550
  • The heirs of the night - Oscuri , published in October 2013 by Cbt-Verlag, ISBN 978-3570308578

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