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Domain : Bacteria (bacteria)
Department : Bacteroidetes
Class : Cytophagia
Order : Cytophagales
Family : Flammeovirgaceae
Scientific name
Yoon et al. 2011

The Flammeovirgaceae are a family of bacteria. They belong to the order Cytophagales in the Phylum Bacteroidetes . The type genus is Flammeovirga . The name is derived from the Latin adjective flammeus (fire-colored) and the Latin word virga , (chopsticks). It refers to the color of the colonies of these rod-shaped bacteria.


The cells are straight or curved rods. They are not flagellated , but movement can be smooth in many species. The color of the colonies is pink, red, or orange. Most species need seawater or at least sodium chloride (NaCl) for growth. Spores are not formed.

Growth and metabolism

All representatives of the Flammeovirgaceae are chemo-organotrophic . The species are usually aerobic , they use oxygen for breathing . Persicobacter psychrovividus is an exception, this species is facultatively anaerobic . The majority of species produce oxidase and catalase . Most species do not make acetoin , hydrogen sulfate, or indole . Few species can use the fermentation of glucose . B. Flammeovirga aprica .


The species were found in various marine habitats, for example in marine sediments, in lake water or on algae . Roseivirga was u. a. isolated from the green alga Ulva fenestrata , Fabibacter halotolerans from the sponge Tedania ignis .


The two species Cytophaga aprica and Cytophaga diffluens , both first described by Reichenbach in 1989 , were placed by Yasuyoshi Nakagawa in 1997 in the two new genera Flammeovirga and Persicobacter . The family was founded by Jaewoo Yoon et al. Introduced in 2011.

The following genera are included in the family (as of 2013):

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Hans Reichenbach: Order Cytophagales Leadbetter 1974, 99 AL . In: Paul De Vos et al. (Ed.): Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology . 2nd edition, Volume 3: The Firmicutes . Springer, 1989, p. 2011-2073 .
  2. Y. Nakagawa et al: Reclassification of Cytophaga aprica (Lewin 1969) Reichenbach 1989 in Flammeovirga gen. Nov. as Flammeovirga aprica comb. nov. and of Cytophaga diffluens (ex Stanier 1940; emend. Lewin 1969) Reichenbach 1989 in Persicobacter gen. nov. as Persicobacter diffluens comb. nov . In: Handbuch der Mikrobiologie . International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology, 1997, pp. 220-223 .
  3. J. Yoon et al: Aureibacter tunicatorum gen. Nov., Sp. nov., a marine bacterium isolated from a coral reef sea squirt, and description of Flammeovirgaceae fam. nov . In: International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology . tape 61 , 2011, p. 2342-2347 .
  4. ^ Jean Euzéby, Aidan C. Parte: Family Flammeovirgaceae. (No longer available online.) In: List of Prokaryotic names with Standing in Nomenclature ( LPSN ). Archived from the original on November 5, 2013 ; accessed on December 16, 2015 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.bacterio.net


  • Noel R. Krieg et al. (Ed.): Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology . 2nd edition, Volume 4: The Bacteroidetes, Spirochaetes, Tenericutes (Mollicutes), Acidobacteria, Fibrobacteres, Fusobacteria, Dictyoglomi, Gemmatimonadetes, Lentisphaerae, Verrucomicrobia, Chlamydiae, and Planctomycetes . Springer, New York 2010, ISBN 978-0-387-68572-4 , pp. 442-450 ( online ).