The Stepford wives

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The Women of Stepford is a 1972 novel by the American writer Ira Levin . A film related to this book was made by Bryan Forbes with Katharine Ross in 1975 , see The Women of Stepford (1975) ; a second film adaptation with Nicole Kidman was made in 2004, see The Women of Stepford (2004) . The German psychological television thriller Sechzehneichen from 2012 is also based on this literary model.


Joanne Eberhard, the protagonist, moves from New York to the fictional city of Stepford, Connecticut . A group of men live there with conspicuously submissive, helpful women. In the course of the plot it turns out that the wives are actually robots designed by the husbands .


The term "Stepford Wife" ( Stepford wife ) was in English-speaking synonymous with the perfect, always good-humored, submissive and docile housewife .

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