The present (DBSV)

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The present is the monthly magazine of the German Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired (DBSV). The newspaper was founded by the GDR Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired, but after its dissolution after reunification in 1990 it was taken over by the DBSV.

The presence

The newspaper is aimed at blind and visually impaired people or those who deal with the problems of visually impaired and blind people. In it not only experiences are exchanged, but also tools are presented and legal advice is given. There are some permanent sections like From All Over the World, DBSV News, For Young People, Sports and many more. Events and holiday offers are also mentioned. The present appears not only as a printed newspaper, but also on cassette, as a DAISY audio book and as a braille edition .

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