The hammer soap - handyman in luck

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Television series
Original title The hammer soap - handyman in luck
Country of production Germany
Year (s) 2003-2004
spin tv
Episodes 29
genre Documentary soap
first broadcast
2003 on RTL II

The Hammer Soap - Heimwerker im Glück is a German documentary soap and a spin tv production that is broadcast on the private broadcaster RTL II . The series started on June 26, 2003 and there are currently four seasons of the show, with one season consisting of around 15 episodes (the third and fourth seasons are significantly shorter, however). The fourth season started on Monday, June 12, 2006, with a long break after the third. This season also saw the band Planlos . An episode lasts (with commercial breaks) one hour. There is also a full-length summary of the first season.

The plot consists of "normal people" trying their hand at home improvement. They are then constantly accompanied by the camera during renovation work, relocations or other work. Some of the characters appear throughout the season and even beyond. In every episode, however, people are shown who only appear in this one. These are mostly desperate people who call the "professional handyman" Mark Kühler for help, who then shows them how it is done.

Maurizio Tutti , one of the do-it-yourselfers featured in the hammer soap, later became one of the presenters of the program Wir move! Which was also produced by spin tv and broadcast on RTL 2 . - Tutti & Rita tackle it .

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