Home (Krefeld)

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The home - Krefeld yearbook

description Yearbook with home-related topics from Krefeld and the surrounding area
Headquarters Krefeld
First edition 1921 with forerunner as newspaper editions of the Generalanzeiger since 1918
Frequency of publication Annually, Nov. or Dec.
Sold edition approx. 2000 copies
Editor-in-chief Stefan Kronsbein
editor Association for local history V., Krefeld 1918
Web link heimat-krefeld.de
ISSN (print)

The home is a predominantly scientific yearbook of the Krefeld Verein für Heimatkunde e. V. It has been published since 1921 and in 1991 was named the best German homeland magazine by the German Homeland Association.

The edition is mostly 2000 copies. The reference is included in the annual fee of 25 euros for members of the Heimatverein in “Krefeld and the rest of the world”. The Heimat is available in regional bookshops (book trade price from 2017 edition, volume 88: 27.50 euros) as well as in the Krefeld city archive and free excerpts on the Internet, where you can also find a complete index of keywords.

Topics from the history of Krefeld are dealt with, which place scientific demands on the working methods of the authors (verifiability, correct quoting of sources, etc.). The broad spectrum of topics includes works on archeology, history, genealogy, customs, maintaining dialects, biographies, culture and much more. as well as a review of the main events of the year in the city of Krefeld.

Web links