The urban. A hip hop party

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The urban
Logo of the party "The Urban"
Party leader Niki Drakos and Raphael Hillebrand
founding 1st May 2017
Place of foundation Berlin
Alignment Left liberalism
Colours) orange
Government grants no
Number of members 314

The urban. A HipHop party (short name du. ) Is a small German party . It was founded in Berlin in May 2017 after initial founding efforts took place in February 2017. The party is located in hip-hop culture . The party is committed to social justice and wants to achieve equality for all citizens. She ran for the first time in the 2017 federal elections and achieved 3,032 second votes (0.2%) with a state list in Berlin and 772 of the first votes in Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg - Prenzlauer Berg-Ost .

Party platform

Environmental and nature protection, climate protection, energy and transport

environmental Protection

The Urbane calls for residents to be relieved of traffic noise and the fight against all environmental pollution, including pollution of the oceans.

Climate protection, energy

The party stands for the expansion of renewable energies, the promotion of local and long-distance public transport .


The Urbane stands for an ecological and sustainable transport policy, which, especially in urban traffic, refers to the promotion of local public transport as well as pedestrian and bicycle traffic as opposed to motorized individual traffic . The expansion of pedestrian and bicycle paths as well as "bicycle highways" are required. Also requests the Urban to free transport in big cities. In the area of ​​road safety, Urbane stands for driving aptitude tests for senior citizens and road safety training for school children.


In the area of ​​economic policy, it is required to put the protection of people and the environment before the interests of the economy. The party believes that the constant competition for financial and material property leads to an unequal distribution of property and is rejected.

Internet and digital

The party calls for the responsible handling of personal data on the Internet, security on the Internet should be guaranteed, hate comments and the misuse of the Internet by extremists should be made more difficult. In addition, the party demands that people who cannot or do not want to use the Internet are not disadvantaged.

Social, family and society

The party is for the equality of all people and against discrimination based on race, religion, language, nationality or sexuality. Further demands of the party are the unconditional basic income, a right to a 32-hour week for working parents as well as a uniform health and long-term care insurance ("citizens' insurance") for all people living in Germany. Furthermore, there are demands for an increase in the monthly pension to 75% of the last monthly net income.



The party advocates decriminalizing cannabis as an intoxicant and advocates active education about the consumption of intoxicants for all age groups as well as education about the dangers of alcohol consumption.


According to the party, poverty is inherited in most cases, which is why the urban community advocates equal opportunities in the education and labor market for all, as well as so-called learning at one's own pace . A. Incorporating hip hop culture into school teaching.

Domestic and foreign policy as well as European policy

Military operations abroad

The Urbane is for global peace and rejects arms exports and foreign missions by the German Federal Armed Forces. Instead, the demand is made to use the funds freed up in this way for the areas of education, culture and social affairs.

taxes and finances

Web links

See also

Hip-hop subculture

Individual evidence

  1. a b , accessed on January 14, 2019.
  2. "The Urban" A "hip hop party" that wants to unite politics and music. August 17, 2017. Retrieved December 28, 2019 .
  3. Bundestag election 2017 Berlin - Berlin - first votes. Retrieved October 6, 2017 .