The waves choke the wind

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The waves stifle the wind (OT: Russian Волны гасят ветер , transcribed Volny gasiat fathers ) is a science fiction - novel by Strugatsky Brothers . It was originally published in Russian in 1985 and represents the last part of the three-part Maxim-Kammerer series .


Maxim Kammerer , who was accompanied through his career by the books The Inhabited Island and A Beetle in the Ant Hill , is now 89 years old. In his memoirs, he looks back on the events of the "great revelation," an event that took place towards the end of the 23rd century. The great revelation shocked humanity deeply and brought to light facts that no one would have expected. Above all, however, it ends the uncanny stagnation that threatens to suffocate the world of “noon”. Kammerer, once a free seeker, ie on the search for foreign civilizations in space, later a Progressor whose task it was to support foreign civilizations and to accompany them in their development, is active in a commission for the protection of the earth. Again and again Kammerer comes into contact with the effects of human progress, and so the final consequence is not a surprising one - at least not for him, even if he is the only one who recognizes the situation at first. Many circumstances and motives for the action remain in the dark or are not conclusively justified.

Maxim Kammerer

Maxim Kammerer is presented in the books of the trilogy in all his interests and values. The personal and professional development that Kammerer experiences here is also decisive. The development of the main character is also a recurring motif in the Strugazki stories and here, too, the key to understanding Kammerer's actions.


See also

The books from the Maxim-Kammerer series: