Dirección Táctica Urbana de la Policía Nacional del Perú

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A SUAT vehicle in Cusco

The Dirección Táctica Urbana de la Policía Nacional del Perú is a special unit of the Policía Nacional del Perú and carries out hostage rescue or arrests of dangerous criminals . The unit is abbreviated as SUAT or UAT . In the media you can also find the term Subunidad de Acciones Tácticas . The unit was founded in 1988 as a reaction to the increasing terrorism in the cities, such as that from the Sendero Luminoso . It is subordinate to the DINOES police force and has around 130 members.

The commander in 2014 and 2015 was Carlos Cabrejo Becerra. In 2016, Milton Iván Quipuscoa Peralta was commander, but he was forced to vacate the post when a corruption scandal became public.


An anonymous caller informed a ministerial inspectorate at the Peruvian Ministry of the Interior that SUAT vehicles are receiving irregular gasoline deliveries. The prosecution opened an investigation, and three police officers and one citizen were arrested. The commander Milton Iván Quipuscoa Peralta was released. Other officials had to face disciplinary proceedings.

Web links

Commons : Dirección Táctica Urbana de la Policía Nacional del Perú  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ¿Qué es la SUAT de la Policía Nacional del Perú? May 30, 2017, Retrieved February 26, 2019 (Spanish, ornigram).
  2. 17 agentes SUAT se gradúan tras culminar con éxito tercer curso de técnicas de combate. Se trata de 15 suboficiales y dos oficiales, quienes después de tres meses de entrenamiento quedaron listos para participar en rescates y combates especiales. August 3, 2016, accessed December 31, 2018 (Spanish).
  3. a b Fernando González-Olaechea: SUAT: el escuadrón PNP que acude cuando todo falla [CRONICA]. The Subunidad de Acciones Tácticas (SUAT) is a group of people and specialisms, creado en la época del terrorismo. July 6, 2015, accessed January 13, 2019 (Spanish).
  4. DIRECCIÓN TÁCTICA URBANA DE LA POLICÍA NACIONAL (SUAT) SERÁ EQUIPADA. November 4, 2014, accessed December 31, 2018 (Spanish).
  5. a b PNP retira jefe de SUAT y detiene a policías por robar combustible. April 20, 2016, accessed December 31, 2018 (Spanish).