Direct upload

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Directupload is a sharehoster on which pictures can be saved free of charge. It is financed by advertising with banners and hover ads .


Originally founded as "", it offered simple uploading of images for small forum communities . After a few months the name was changed to "".

In 2006 a free service for registered members was introduced to make it easier for users to manage their images, according to The insertion of images in public galleries has been made possible and several image management functions have been made available.


Images can be uploaded in JPG , GIF , PNG or SWF formats , documents in Portable Document Format (PDF).

The maximum file size for registered members is 8192 KB, images are stored for at least one year. An uploaded image can be provided with comments and keywords and linked in five different sizes.

Registered users can add their images to the “public galleries”. You can also upload your graphics directly using a desktop application without visiting the website.

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