Disciplini of Valcamonica

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Fresco depicting the Disciplini in the oratory of the Disciplini (Montecchio)

The Disciplini (Camuno dialect dihiplì ) were a medieval lay movement that was also known in Valcamonica as "dei Disciplinanti".

The movement had been active since the 12th century and peaked around the 15th century and lasted until the 19th century. The secular movement opposed the Counter Reformation .

The organization was based on the first apostolic community and was formed by a council of twelve people. The members of the order wore a natural-colored wool dress, on the sides a cord on which the scourge (or a small skull) hung, and on the shoulders a long hood that left only two slits for the eyes. The flagellation was practiced to repentance.

At first the members devoted themselves exclusively to the funeral prayer, the processions and the atonement for their sins. Later they also had administrative tasks.

Because of its secular approach, the movement was supported by the Ghibelin Camuni .


  • Carla Bino, Roberto Tagliani: Con le braccia in croce. La Regola e l'Officio della Quaresima dei disciplini di Breno . Università, Breno 2000 (Italian).

Web links

Commons : Disciplini in Val Camonica  - Collection of images, videos and audio files